KartByte: Get started in Karting

KartByte: Get started in Karting

June 5, 2016
6 minutes read

Get Started In Karting

Let’s Go Karting

This series is going to take you on a journey into the world of professional Go Karting. With helpful tidbits and insights from some of the fastest Karters and driver trainers around. We hope to provide a helpful guide to those of you who want to begin your venture into the world of Karting.

This series is not only tailored to beginners. There will also be content even for those of you who are already familiar with the basics. We’ll aim to provide insightful advice on setup, driver training, and more. Stick around and see if we can help you become a better driver.

Enough Jibber Jabber, let’s get started.

The First Day At The Track

Emotions generally run high on a drivers first day. As a beginner, the driver is excited but at the same time very nervous. This is because they don’t know what to expect yet. From a driver training perspective, the best way to deal with someone who will be driving a kart for the first time is to just explain the basics to them. Sit them in the kart and let them get a feel for everything. Once they’re seated in the kart, explain to them where the accelerator and brake are found. Even if they already know where it is. There’s nothing quite like showing up on your first day as a know-it-all and then binning it like an amateur.

Get Going

Once the driver feels comfortable in the kart and has a grasp on the basics, a trainer will send them out on track for some slow running. This allows the driver to get used to the kart. It helps to put cones out on the circuit to help the driver identify the braking markers and the apexes. This helps the driver find their braking points and turn-in points a lot easier. More so than if they were to be left to their own devices.

Generally beginners are sent out on track by themselves. This is done so that they don’t get intimidated. It’s also to prevent them from getting involved in any unnecessary accidents with other drivers. Especially with more experienced drivers who will be less forgiving than their trainer.

Mix It Up

Once the driver feels confident to go out on circuit with other people, their trainer allow them to do so. This is generally when the driver is able to complete a number of consecutive laps without spinning or crashing. Once they’re on the circuit with other drivers, they need to do as many laps as they can without incident. Using the cones will help the drivers accelerate their learning curve. This is because it shows them exactly where the correct lines are, right from the get go.

The best thing to do when they go out with other drivers for the first time is to throw them in the deep end. Tell them to go out and follow the others to see if they can keep up. They will have to learn quickly and being thrown into the deep end will help speed up their progress. Let the beginner driver follow more experienced drivers. Allow them to practice taking new lines. Do not let them practice overtaking and defending just yet, as they will more than likely end up causing an accident.

At The End Of The Day

Once the day is over and the driver has successfully completed their induction into the world of Karting, the drivers trainer will debrief and analyze the days sessions with them. The trainer will evaluate where the driver stands and will advise on whether or not more practice is needed before they can compete. If the trainer determines that the driver is ready to compete, the driver will be informed on the necessary entry procedures. Otherwise the driver will need to repeat their induction and slow running until they have the confidence and ability required to compete at a competitive level.

If the driver has been deemed fit for competition, the driver will require as much practice as possible in the lead up to their first event. They will need to improve their physical fitness as it plays a massive role in enduring a full race session. The driver will need to hit the track as often as possible. They should practice chasing their best time until they are up to pace. They should do this whilst trying to remain as consistent as possible. There’s minimal chance that a beginner driver will win their first race. Practicing consistency is key as it will ultimately help them finish their first race.

Want more?

We hope you enjoyed our first installment in this series. We hope you’ll join us again for the next installment, as we take you through the necessary preparations for a drivers first ever race!

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